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Welcome to Spiritual Companionship

(Also known as Spiritual Direction)

Spiritual Companionship is a relationship focused on deepening a person's understanding and connection
with God. Together we will explore your life for evidence of God's presence and invitations to grow more Christ-like. Some call this experience "Soul Care"; but really it is care
that encompasses your whole being. Many find great benefit to this contemplative, wholistic approach. 


About Me

Luisa S. Johnson, PhD


After 30+ years as a Clinical Psychologist, Luisa sensed a

call to be a Spiritual Companion (aka Spiritual Director) and

was trained by Center Quest’s School of Spiritual Direction (2015). Prior to this, she trained with the Academy for Spiritual Formation XIX of Upper Room Ministries. (2002-2004). Today she also serves as a Mentor for Center Quest’s international Cohorts 3,4,and 5 and offers companionship to individuals across the country. Luisa is married and enjoys life with four adult children and seven grandchildren.

Creating art is also part of her spiritual practice. 

She's available to speak at church retreats, workshops, seminars,and events for interested groups. 

Please inquire below.



Approach to Spiritual Companionship

     What is Spiritual Direction?

  • Spiritual direction is a form of prayer.

  • It is a three-point encounter between the directee, the director, and God for the purpose of growth in their relationship with God.

  • It is not counseling, which is about solving problems.

  • It is not confession.

  • Its focus is a relationship with God as something to be discerned, deepened, and celebrated.

  • It provides a person the time to reflect on their life journey, in the loving presence of another person which offers support and encouragement.

     What is the role of the spiritual director?

  • Their role is not to direct you, such as in telling you what to do.

  • They are deep and careful listeners.

  • The spiritual director reflects back what they hear, shares what they notice, asks gentle questions to clarify meaning, and looks for possible invitations from God.

  • The real "director" is the Holy Spirit.

      What are the sessions like?

  • In spiritual direction, the directee brings whatever is on their heart, for example: their prayer life, spiritual joys and difficulties, or their experiences of encountering God in daily life.

  • These experiences are then looked at together to help detect patterns, themes and movements.

  • The pace is contemplative with silent pauses for reflection.

     Who seeks spiritual direction?

  • Spiritual companionship can benefit anyone who is looking to deepen their relationship with God.

  • The desire for and commitment to a prayer life is key.

  • Prayer can be defined as any moment that one turns there attention to God in day to day life.

     What is the cost and how long and frequent are the sessions?

  • Hopefully, we will be able to meet in person in the near future.

  • Our first introductory conversation is no cost.

  • After, the initial meeting a donation is requested.

  • We can discuss the amount after we discern if we are a good fit. This is determined in the first three visits.

  • If you would like to schedule an introductory conversation, please email or call 818-515-0555.

Spiritual Companionship
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Group Spiritual Direction

Recommendation by H.M.

I first met Luisa as my teacher through Center Quest’s (CQ) Soul Companioning Course, a prerequisite for CQ’s School of Spiritual Direction. It was there, in her writing and feedback that deeply touched my life. An image she shared with the class, became a powerful symbol and metaphor for the Love of Jesus that sparked me, holding me in God’s grace, staying with me still today.

Luisa also became my mentor through CQ's School of Spiritual Direction where she was quietly present in each of our journeys as

a rich support like an illuminating gold thread weaving through the entire program. She facilitated our mentoring group with a solid strength of calm and balance.


Luisa has a profound and balancing discernment and wisdom that anchors and fine tunes the art of facilitation in groups. She lives as a child of God to whom she knows she is dearly loved; therefore, Luisa offers in kind, a full portion of belovedness to her directees.

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Professional Background

 1973 - BA, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

 1982 - PhD in Clinical Psychology Fuller Graduate School of      Psychology Pasadena, CA 

 1977 - MA in Theology Fuller Theological Seminary    Pasadena, CA

 1984 - 2013   Private Psychology Practice (retired) 

 2002 - 2004  Academy for Spiritual Formation  Cohort XIX

 2015 - Center Quest, School of Spiritual Direction,Cohort 1

 2016 - 2017  CQ Instructor for Intro course   "Soul Companioning"

 2015 to the present   Offering Spiritual Companionship

 2017 to the present   Mentor for CQ Cohorts 3,4,5.

My Life Verse

“She was gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children.  She loved you so much that she was delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but her life as well, because you had become so dear to her.”

(Pronouns were changed to make it personal).

I Thessalonians 2:7-8

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For over a year, Luisa has graced my life with

spiritual direction and encouragement.

In a season of life in which God is calling me to walk more deeply in love, trust, and authenticity, Luisa has been a steady voice of invitation to listen, to notice, to hear the invitation of God in everyday life and recognize His movements

in my life and thinking. Her acceptance of me as I am today and her gentle joy and wisdom are a gift for which I am grateful.

Recommendation by M.H.

 I  have been in direction with Luisa for

several years. Luisa is a gifted listener.  Her nonjudgmental presence, giftedness in prayer practices and discernment have been invaluable to my spiritual growth and development. She is a true and trusted soul friend.  Someone that I would recommend to anyone seeking spiritual direction. 

Recommendation by C.P.

Art Gallery
Green Gradient

Art Gallery

(Click on art to view a description. Then, click on small double arrows in the upper left to enlarge art work).

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Contact Me

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speaking engagements, and Spiritual Companionship updates.

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©2020 by LJ Spiritual Direction. Sculpture and photography created by Luisa.

Website designed by Diva On The Scene -

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